Changing the password for your PayPal login account on regular basis is much important from the perspective of account security. If you have recently registered for a new PayPal account then most probably you might not have created a strong password for your account. In this post, we are guiding you on how to change the password for your PayPal account. The process to change the PayPal account password is easy and quick.

Method to change the password for your PayPal account
1. Using your device (mobile or computer), visit the PayPal login page
2. Then, on the PayPal login page, enter your login credentials
3. Now, to submit the login details, click on the "Login" button
4. Then, head to the Profile section of your PayPal account and click on it
5. Now, navigate to the “Settings” and click on it
6. Then, underAccount security, click on Modify password option
7. Choose a strong password on the modify password page (make sure to include special characters and number)
8. Then, click on the “Save” button to confirm the changes that you have made on this page
9. Finally, you have changed the password for your PayPal login account successfully
Note: While changing the password for your PayPal login account make sure that the password is unique and strong. Setting a strong password for your account will increase the chances to be safe from hackers.
To sum up, the threat of account security is increasing day by day. So, it becomes important to keep changing the account password of your main and important accounts like the PayPal login account. If you change the password of your PayPal account then you can protect your account from various types of fraud and threats. In this post, we have mentioned the steps to change the password for your PayPal login account that will be very helpful for you all.